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50 ml-es pipettahegyek

If you work in a lab, you understand how important it is to get the measurement right. When measuring out liquids for an experiment or mixing ingredients to form a new solution, obtaining the correct volume of liquid is critical for achieving optimal results. That is where Shengke's pipetta 10 ml come in very handy! Designed to make your life easier though, our tips give the precise amount of liquid you're looking for every time.

Convenient Solution for Large Volume Pipetting

If you have ever attempted to pipette a large volume of liquid at once, you may know that both time-consuming and difficult to achieve correctly. And sometimes frustrating even. However, it is much easier to speed up the pipetting process when you have Shengke's 5 ml-es pipetták. These tips enable you to take the up to 50 ml of liquid at once that you want, saving you a ton of time. That way, you won’t need to keep returning over and over again to pack and fill your pipette, which is easier and will help you avoid any errors in the meantime.

Miért válassza a Shengke 50 ml-es pipettahegyeket?

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