Minden kategória

egyedileg csomagolt pipettahegyek

Each pipette tip is wrapped separately in Shengke. This special wrapping ensures that each tip remains clean and protected when working in the laboratory. You can grab a clean one whenever you need a tip. You apply each tip one time and discard it. This matters because it protects against the transmission of germs and also keeps your samples from becoming contaminated or confused with one another. All the tips are wrapped up nice and clean and ready for use. It prevents dirt and unwanted materials from entering the lab, that is very important for performing precise experiments.

Ultimate Protection for Sensitive Samples

Some specimens are exceedingly fragile and require special handling to prevent breakage. Since these samples are also sensitive, Shengke's pipette tips use strong but also gentle materials, making it ideal for these samples. Thus when using a pipette tip, it shall not cause any harm or iexpose the samples to contamination. They are protected from dust and dirt, since the tips are securely closed. This is particularly important as it will keep the samples secure and prevent contamination, which in turn keeps your experimental results valid.

Why choose Shengke individually wrapped pipette tips?

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