
extended length pipette tips

As a scientist (and if you do experiments), I know a laboratory consists of a whole lot of tools. An extremely helpful device used in laboratories is referred to as pipette. A pipette is a tool that transfers liquid from one location to another. Goes is like a special tool, that you can use to easily measure and transfer liquids. However, did you know that longer pipette tips can actually take your lab real estate game even further? So, what do I mean by this and why are longer tips a complete game changer for your experiments?

Increasing Capacity and Efficiency with Extended Length Pipette Tips

The trick with longer pipette tips is that they allow you to transfer more total volume at a time. This is an amazing advantage especially if you are working with a large amount of liquid or if you are performing a number of test one after another. These longer tips allow you to pick up more liquid, in fewer attempts. Imagine the time saved by not having to go backwards and forwards so many times! Which means you can complete your work much quickly and get time for the more significant process. It is great to be able to be more productive in the lab!

Why choose Shengke extended length pipette tips?



