सबै श्रेणियाँ

स्कर्ट गरिएको पीसीआर प्लेट

Do you know what PCR technology is? It is a technique used by scientists to analyze minute amounts of DNA. They use PCR plates to accomplish this. Such plates can contain many samples, typically hundreds at once. Did you know, however, that skirted PCR plates are available today which offer a more modern and high-tech version of the original type of plate? It is revolutionizing the realm of PCR!

Introduction to Skirted PCR Plates

Much like our dresses, skirted PCR plates are distinguished from the regular "shirt" version by having a flange around their edges. As a tiny feature, this feels so impactful! The skirt secures the samples in place within the plate so that scientists can work with them on a range of devices. This eventually minimizes the possibilities of mixing up or contamination done over samples. Skirted PCR plates are ideally oriented to the machines that analyze DNA and provide in a more reliable manner.

Why choose Shengke skirted pcr plate?

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