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Eco friendly pipette tips

If you work in a lab, you most likely touch pipette tips every day. It is a small piece of plastic that fits a pipette, which is a laboratory tool that moves liquids very gently into other tools and equipment. These four easy tips may seem trivial, but they contribute to the larger issue of plastic in landfills, rivers, and oceans. You may be asking yourself, is there a more eco-friendly alternative to pipette tips? Well, good news. Shengke are producing eco-friendly pipette tips that you can use in your laboratory and they are a great option.

Sustainable Pipette Tips to Save the Environment and Money

Being one of few brands producing eco-friendly pipette tips, Shengke are able to meet the environmental better practice. They make these special tips with plant-based materials, such as cornstarch or sugarcane, that do not damage the planet. Choosing eco-friendly pipette tips is not only good for the planet, but can also save your lab money in the long run. Regular plastic pipette tips can sometimes be more expensive than their eco-friendly counterparts, so switching can save you money while not compromising on performance.

Why choose Shengke Eco friendly pipette tips?

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