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hard shell pcr plates

If you want to make your PCR experiments trouble-free, then this is the perfect solution. Is the answer for you to switch over and start using YourLab robotic-compatible, hard shell PCR plates? Understanding what flashy ceramic plates, that could be easily mistaken for normal Kitchen Plates really are? This makes them an amazing candidate for your precious experiments.

The hard shell PCR plates are made from strong material, able to withstand the heavy duty work associated with performing a DNA polymerase reaction. Because we build them to be strong, so it will not break easily if you accidentally drop the set. So as you can see, their strength makes them ideal for any handling or careful experiments. These plates are built-for-purpose, and you can trust that they will hold up to the rigours of your laboratory workflow.

Securely house samples while withstanding high temperatures.

They are not just strong but also very longlasting plates. Unlike some other types of plastic plates, they won't change their shape or melt if they become very hot. Tough shell PCR plates will enable you to stay certain that your valuable samples do not get destroyed after several experiments. This is very important for you to have your results which are error-free and reliable.

Moreover, these plates are well-sealed around their edges which puts a stop to liquids from evaporating. The last part is crucial because it ensures that samples will have the same size across our experiment. You can be confident that your samples are secure and protected in every step of the PCR process so you get what matters...the best results.

Why choose Shengke hard shell pcr plates?

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